Manna Plumbing specializes in re-piping apartment buildings, townhouses and hotels.
Piping Choices
We are a re-piping company, that’s all we do
The most commonly used piping material at present is Uponor Aquapex piping. It is widely used in new construction, as well as re-piping. The product has been in use in B.C. since the mid 90’s, and in Europe since the 70’s. The advantages of Uponor Aquapex over copper are:
> Less costly
> Quieter
> 25 year warranty
> No soldering required
> More flexibility
> Less pipe condensation
Uponor Aquapex is available in sizes ½” to 3″.
Copper, Stainless Steel or Cement Lined Ductile Iron piping are still the best choice for sizes over 3″. There are some newer products on the market for these sizes, but there is not enough of a proven track record yet. This larger sized piping is normally found in buildings larger than 40 units.